I’m coming to the conclusion these daily news briefings from Lord Damp Nut about the Coronavirus AKA, The Trump Virus are replacing the MAGA-Klan rallies of yore, because he probably cannot have them any longer.
Prznint Stupid gets to air all of his grievances and bullies our Failed Political Press, with a back-up chorus of his Misfit Toys calling him “sir” as the suck-up. And Possum Hollar gets a daily infusion of the 2-Minute Hate. It’s working out really well for him.
Trump takes question from far-right OAN personality who asks if term “Chinese food” is racist, mocking those who take offense to him calling COVID-19 a “Chinese virus.”
She claims the media is using “Chinese communist party narratives.”
Trump responds by basheing the press. pic.twitter.com/LknQJ9iQX1
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) March 19, 2020
That was OANN White House correspondent Chanel Rion, btw.
As for any valuable news? Nothing really. Our Media is getting played as usual.
Say it with me, folks: “Prznint Stupid opening his yap is NOT news.”
Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors