Trump Loving Pastor Tells His Followers To Shake Hands: 'We’re Raising Up Revivalists, Not Pansies'
March 17, 2020

Why are Trump-supporting Evangelical pastors trying to kill members of their congregations?

Yesterday, I wrote about wingnut Pastor Guillermo Maldonado telling his flock down in Florida, “If we die, we die for Christ. If we live, we live for Christ, so what do you lose?”

It's an insane effort to push back against some radical Dem worldwide plot aided by the media to hurt Trump and tum the COIVD19 into a hoax.

Today we find radical conspiracy theorist Rodney Howard-Browne held services at his The River church in Tampa Bay, Florida, on Sunday, where he encouraged congregants to greet one another by shaking hands because, as he said, “we’re raising up revivalists, not pansies.”

This is another dangerous pretend religious moron, (who should be under arrest if any of his congregants die from the virus) claiming you're a pansy if you take precautions against a world-wide pandemic.

They appear to be more frightened that they will lose some of their followers because of government guidelines than to the outbreak.

As RWW notes, Rodney Howard-Browne "was among evangelical leaders who laid hands upon and prayed over President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in 2017, dedicated most of his Sunday sermon to mocking fears about the spread of the coronavirus and calling it a “phantom plague” designed to terrify people into receiving vaccines that will kill them."

And Browne deserves a special place in hell for spreading these lies.

“Because the climate change narrative for global governance failed,” Howard-Browne continued, “they are using the World Health Organization to then come in and take over the control of nations and then they are going to bring in vaccines … There’s going to be forced vaccines, which they can kill off many people with vaccines. It’s about population reduction because there are too many people on the planet, but with the correct vaccines we can shoot them and then they can die.”

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