One thing we know about Trump is that he knows how to issue veiled threats.
Trump sees his reelection prospects suffering because of his handling of the Trump 19 coronavirus and the resulting plunge of the stock markets. He is also very, very sensitive to the slightest criticism.
Now he's threatening to withhold lifesaving federal government assistance to the states hit hardest by the virus. That means to the people of Washington State, California and New York.
During Tuesday's Fox News faux town hall, Trump demanded that these states seeking federal help better treat him nicely.
"I think we're doing very well but you know it's a two-way street," Trump said.
He continued, "They have to treat us well also. They can't say, oh gee, we should get this we should get that. We are doing a great job."
There is no two-way street when battling against a pandemic. Either you help or you don't.
Why can't New York State Governor Cuomo demand assistance from the federal government when the feds are hoarding 20,000 ventilators?
Gov. Gavin Newsom was smart to complement Trump when the virus spread in California because he knows that if he strokes Trump's ego even a little bit, it might help save lives in the state... which is horrifying.
We are in a national health emergency. Trump called the coronavirus "a Democratic hoax" for weeks, which slowed down the overall response to the pandemic.
Then he came on and had his surrogates like Larry Kudlow tell the American people the virus was all but contained.
Then he started promoting drugs that have never been tested in any fashion on Trump 19, I mean COVID-19 as a possible cure.
Trump's criminal pettiness in a normal world would yield several House and Senate investigations of his mismanagement of this crisis.
If Trump is holding back resources to states because governors are criticizing him, that should be an impeachable offense.
Furthermore, he should be arrested and put on trial after he finishes his stint as commander-in-chief.
Watching Trump's batsh*t performance yesterday, Digby writes:
He obviously has no idea what he’s talking about. The only thing we have going for us is that most of the governors and mayors aren’t batshit crazy like this monstrous toad.