Stephanie Grisham Self-Quarantines After Saying Democrats Were Using COVID-19 To 'Scare People'
Credit: Screengrab
March 17, 2020

The Trump administration called the coronavirus a hoax just a few weeks ago, endangering the lives of millions of Americans.

Back on March 9th, Grisham appeared on Fox and Friends, and first claimed Trump was too virile to get sick. Then the fake White House press secretary attacked the Democratic Party and the media for using the coronavirus "as a tool to politicize things and scare people."

Most of Fox News, along with Trump's sycophants and propagandists on hate talk radio echoed these ideas and claimed the virus was a way to fear monger against the Trump presidency and destroy the economy all to make him look bad.

"People need to be washing their hands, treating this like the flu," was all she said.

Flash Forward to today via The NY Post:

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham is self-quarantining after having contact with individuals from a Brazilian delegation while at Mar-a-Lago who have since tested positive for coronavirus, a White House official confirmed.

“Out of an abundance of caution, she is working from home,” the official told The Post.

Wait, what? Is Grisham trying to scare people?
Is she trying to destroy the stock markets?
Is she politicizing a know-nothing flu?

As Raw Story also notes, "The White House also confirmed on Tuesday that Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is under a self-imposed quarantine after his niece came in contact with the same Brazilian official at Mar-a-Lago.

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