House Democrats held a meeting this morning to get out in front of Trump on a coronavirus relief bill and make sure their priorities are included, MSNBC reporter Leigh Anne Caldwell said.
"It's to ensure that people who aren't receiving any income because of coronavirus get relief and that those who are food insecure also get some relief," she said.
What's that translating to in a draft bill in the House of Representatives, including sick leave for people who either have to be quarantined because of coronavirus or who actually have the virus. Other things, an extension of unemployment insurance and an extension of food stamps and aid for kids who get free and reduced lunches at school, but can't go to school because their schools are closed."
What's not included, she said, is Trump's proposal for a payroll tax cut. "That has fallen flat on Capitol Hill among Democrats and even some Republicans are saying if people are not working, then a payroll tax cut does no good. So what also is not included in the House bill at this point is anything else that the president is wanting but we do know that Speaker Pelosi and Secretary Mnuchin spoke moments ago and Pelosi wants a vote on this bill tomorrow before they leave town for a week."