So the House leader in "charge" of the party of Solyndra Benghazi baby parts pizzagate birther tan suit Christmas card lists and the tarmac wonders aloud why the party of getting sh*t done for the American people won't hold more sham investigations. It's how REPUBLICANS govern! Lawhawk:
McCarthy is not without a sense of irony, as the GOP ignored Bidens altogether for the years they controlled the House and Senate - because there was nothing to investigate. It was a sham cooked up by the conspiracy fringe and Putin ppl in Ukraine to damage Biden. Nothing more.
Instead, McCarthy spent years investigating Clinton and even had her testifying under oath for hours, to the point where his cronies Gowdy and Jordan had to admit they had nothing on her about anything - emails, Benghazi, any of it.
And McCarthy's colleague Eric Swalwell had a reply:
Kiev-an McCarthy. Heh.
If we're going to put Hunter Biden on the table, let's also investigate the finances of Don Jr, Eric, and the Kushners.