John Kerry Calls KY Rep. Massie  'Asshole' For Forcing Roll Call Vote On Stimulus
Credit: Getty Images
March 27, 2020

Too often do we see presidential candidates after they have lost an election being their true selves out in the public eye, and we pine for what could have been. "Why couldn't they have been like THIS when they were campaigning? We would have had President X right now!"

This is Sec. John Kerry's turn to have that moment. He absolutely eviscerated Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie with one tweet after Massie forced the entire House of Reps to race back to Washington, DC for a roll call vote on the COVID-19 relief bill, instead of allowing them to vote remotely.

Massie let loose a long-winded, 11-tweet-long thread about his alleged "reasoning" for endangering all of his colleagues and those with whom they came into contact on their trips back to DC for this grandstanding performance for his Koch Industry masters. He objected to how we were going to pay for it this bill, apparently. He didn't object, however, to the fact that some of his colleagues might pay for their in-person vote by catching the deadly virus.

There was bipartisan disdain and fury in reaction to this douchebaggery, but none so masterful as Sec. Kerry's - wherein he not only calls Massie an "asshole," but he cops to agreeing with Trump for once on this particular assessment.

Bravo. Bra-VOH, Sec. Kerry - #Masshole should become the universal term for people like Massie. That can be HIS legacy.

UPDATE: (Karoli) The stimulus bill passed, Donald Trump did not invite the person who worked hardest to make it happen to the signing ceremony (Speaker Pelosi) because he is a petty little boy, and if anyone in that room has the coronavirus, they're all gonna have it. I'm grateful Pelosi stayed away.

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