Speaking from California before the polls closed, Joe Biden celebrated his big Super Tuesday wins across the nation.
March 3, 2020

Despite a really scary moment when two anti-dairy protesters made their way to the stage where he was speaking, Joe Biden gave a passionate and joyful speech Tuesday night after "winning" eight states. I put "winning" in quotes because delegates are awarded proportionately to any viable candidate (over 15% of the totals). As of this writing, Biden has won Massachusetts, Alabama, North Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Minnesota, and he just pulled ahead in Texas. Elizabeth Warren is struggling everywhere and Bloomberg says he's going to "reassess."

Here is the last half of Biden's speech, where he definitely raised the pitch into inspirational territory. Transcript is below.

Let's get something straight. Wall Street didn't build this country. You built this country. The middle class built this country. And unions built the middle class. In the neighborhood we come from -- [ booing ] [ chanting let's go, joe ] look, the middle class is getting clobbered. The middle class is getting clobbered. Too many people are in jail where I grew up in. People are getting hurt, they're badly hurt. Guess what, they're the places we come from, many of you come from.

They're the reason why I'm running. They're the reason why I'm a Democrat in the first place. These are people that build our bridges, our roads, look, who race into buildings to save other people. Pickup our garbage, our streets, veterans, dreamers, single moms. By the way, every dreamer has hope because i'm coming and you're not going anywhere. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to provide a pathway for 11 million citizens. If the other guy voted -- I shouldn't get into that, I don't want to get going. Look, the iron workers, steel makers, boiler workers, these are the people that have been forgotten. I agree with you, man. Look, the people trump forgot, the people Iowa never forgot Iowa.

Folks, that's why we need an economy that builds wealth. Bring everybody along regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, disability, every stripe. Like we did in south carolina. Like we did across america today. Like we'll do all the way to the white house. Look, that's why I was so proud yesterday being embraced by Amy Klobuchar. [ cheers and applause ] we won Minnesota because of Amy Klobuchar. [ applause ] and we're doing well in Texas because of Beto O'Rourke. [ cheers and applause ] that's why, I was so proud, so incredibly proud to have Mayor Pete's endorsement as well. There is a man of character, intellect and courage.

By the way, I was proud to be endorsed by Jim Clyburn. Man, he is something else. Look, our campaign reflects the diversity of this party and this nation and that's how it should be because we need to bring everybody along. We need a nominee who will beat Donald Trump. [ cheers and applause ] but also, also keep Nancy Pelosi the speaker of the house. Win back the United States Senate. If that's what you want, join us. You want a nominee who is a Democrat, a lifelong time, a proud Democrat, Obama/Biden --.

Look, this starts with a revival of honor and decency and character. Trump has fanned the flames of hate and sought to divide us. He's insulted, demonized -- the way he talks about people, he has not a single sense of empathy. He doesn't have any compassion, no regard for the values that made this country who we are. Not the way you were raised by your moms and dads. He looks at honesty and decency and respect and he views it as a sign of weakness. He doesn't believe that we're the beacon to the world. He doesn't believe we're all part of something bigger than ourselves. That's why I've said from the moment I announced for this candidacy. We're literally in a battle for the soul of America early. Folks, winning means uniting America. Not sowing seeds of division and hate. We have to beat Donald Trump, but we can't become like him. We can't have a never-ending war between the parties. We need a president who can fight, but make no mistake, I can fight. But look, we need it as badly as someone who can heal.

Look, just look at what we did when we passed Obamacare, what President Obama and I to save the automotive industry. That's not enough. It's just a start. We need a president who can heal the country as well. That is what I will do as your president. I promise you. [ applause ] It's about delivering real results for you, your family and your community. It's not about Jill, or me, it's about our families.

To paraphrase the poet Robert Brown, our reach should exceed our grasp. My reach exceeds our grasp because there's no doubt in my mind we can grasp whatever we reach for. Ladies and gentlemen, I quoted an English poet. Let me quote a real poet now, an Irish poet. [ laughter ] Seamus Haney who wrote a poem, and here's what he says, and I believe this to the bottom of my being.

He said, "History says, don't hope on this side of the grave. But then once in a lifetime the long forward tidal wave of justice rises up and hope and history rhyme". We can make hope and history rhyme because of what we've seen. There's nothing we can't do.

This is about the future. It's not about the past. It's about our children and grandchildren about leading in this country and leading the world once again. We have to remember who we are. This is the United States of America. It is time for America to get back up. And once again, fight for the proposition that we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal, endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights.

We saw it often in school but don't realize how profound it is. We never lived up to these words, but until this president we never walked away from it. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe with every fiber of my being that's who we are. Let's get back up. We are a decent brave, resilient people. We can believe again but we are better than this moment. We are better than this president.

So get back up and take back this country, the United States of America. There is not a single thing we can't do. God bless you and may god protect our troops. Thank you, thank you -- thank you.

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