February 15, 2020

No doubt that Trump did not read Peter Baker's article, that basically outlined the anomaly of an impeached president running for re-election, and just focused on him as King, about to embark on severe retribution for all his real and imagined enemies.

What's that oft-used Maya Angelou quote?

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

Source: The Hill

President Trump on Saturday tweeted a New York Times article with a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote about going after the "king," prompting the phrase "you are not a king" to quickly trend on social media.

Trump shared several lines from a Feb. 1 analysis piece titled “While Stained in History, Trump Will Emerge From Trial Triumphant and Unshackled," written by The Times’s chief White House correspondent by Peter Baker.
Baker’s article noted that while Trump's impeachment in the House will be a stain on his record, he will become the first impeached U.S. president to run for reelection.

“Now Mr. Trump, who has said that the Constitution 'allows me to do whatever I want' and pushed so many boundaries that curtailed past presidents, has little reason to fear the legislative branch nor any inclination to reach out in conciliation,” Baker wrote.

Naturally, Twitter was having none of that. But in a sense that's just what Trump wants, people echoing his foolishness, and then just smirking and saying it must be true because he saw it in the New York Times.

And fans of The Wire will no doubt enjoy this one.

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