Vox journalist Aaron Rupar tweeted clips of Republican Sen. John Kennedy firing hostile questions at Dept. of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad Wolf today, after Kennedy's Senate committee had received a briefing on the potential coronavirus pandemic. The senator from Louisiana was quite visibly dissatisfied with the lack of answers to his questions the DHS director was providing.
WOLF: To my knowledge we do. I'm focused on making sure our operators at DHS make sure that they have the protective equipment, I know HHS, as part of the supplemental...
KENNEDY: Well, we just heard testimony that we don't.
WOLF: For medical professionals? I don't understand the question.
KENNEDY: You're head of Homeland Security. Do we have enough respirators, or not?
WOLF: For PATIENTS? I don't understand the question.
KENNEDY: For EVERYBODY. Every American who needs one who gets the disease.
I mean...
Does this guy Wolf think the only people who matter are his own workers? That the Senate hearing WOULDN'T be centered on making sure that, you know, PATIENTS would have the equipment available to combat this virus? An outbreak for which the CDC has just warned us we should be prepared?
This noob makes the same mistake later in the video when Kennedy asks him about facemasks. Do we have enough facemasks? Chad the Confused says, "You mean for the people at DHS?"
Then Sen. Kennedy asks him if someone is tasked with projecting out how many cases we anticipate in the U.S.
KENNEDY: I'm asking you questions because you're Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. And you're supposed to keep us safe. And you need to know the answers to these questions. How far away are we from getting a vaccine?
WOLF: Several months.
KENNEDY: Well, that's not what we just heard testimony about.
WOLF: Okay.
Would now be a good time to bring up the fact that perhaps if Sen. Kennedy had paid closer attention to the morons and sycophants Trump was appointing to positions of great importance like these, we might be better prepared to keep Americans safe? Perhaps if Kennedy hadn't spent so much time deferring to Trump and kissing his ass while he was carving huge holes in vital governmental agencies, and filling them with Ivanka's kids' friends' dads or whatever we might not be in this precarious spot?
John Kennedy has voted to confirm every single one of Trump's unqualified cabinet members, sending a message to the president that being qualified for the job shouldn't even register as a priority. https://t.co/At3l4syil0
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) February 25, 2020
This guys spent the last 3 years blindly defending this incompetents appointed by a president unfit for his job. Now they are very upset that they don't know how to do their job. Demagogy and semi-authoritarianism has a price.
— Eduardo Silva (@sereiindelicado) February 25, 2020
What he said was that they have enough respirators for anyone who hasn't opposed tRump in the past 4 years.
— John Gallagher (@irishkurs) February 25, 2020