February 6, 2020

Adam Schiff made news on Rachel Maddow's show Wednesday when he noted a refusal by John Bolton to provide a written affidavit to the Senate Impeachment trial.

House managers had asked Bolton to provide testimony in this way when it became clear that the Senate was going to vote against witnesses and documents.

Bolton, who had earlier indicated he WOULD testify before the Senate, refused the House managers' request.

He should be subpoenaed and fined his entire book advance if he doesn't comply.

ADAM SCHIFF: I can tell you that after the Senate voted not to hear witnesses — after they voted to be the first impeachment trial in history without witnesses, we did approach John Bolton’s counsel and asked if Mr. Bolton would be willing to submit an affidavit under oath, describing what he observed in terms of the president’s Ukraine misconduct, and he refused.

So, for whatever reason, he apparently was willing to testify before the Senate but apart from that, seems intent on saving it for his book.

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