Wait, I thought Trump was a stable genius at television spectacle?
Turns out by ripping up her photocopy of the speech, Nancy Pelosi captured many times more precious TV minutes than anything Trump did or said at his game show, lie-filled State of the Union address. Even on Fox and Friends. Media Matters:
Fox & Friends was overwhelmingly more concerned with Pelosi’s symbolic shredding of Trump’s speech, spending 21 minutes on Pelosi and completely ignoring the various misleading and false claims within the State of the Union. In fact, the only mentions of the speech containing lies came in reference to Pelosi, such as when the hosts merely pointed out that Pelosi ripped up the speech because she believed it to be “a pack of lies.”
You reported that, Steve Doocy?
And her act infected Trump's twitter stream, too? #Winning!
UPDATE: No Donald. No Matt Gaetz. Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech isn't "illegal."