It's Married. Stephen Miller Takes A Bride And Twitter Convulses
Credit: Flickr
February 18, 2020

In a ceremony that probably involved calf's blood and shark teeth (and that's just what the groom wore on his face) Stephen Miller took a bride.

In related news, deserts everywhere report an unusual absence of scorpions and DC hospitals stock up on antidotes for poison.

Twitter rejoiced at news of the nuptials, and by "rejoiced," I mean threw up in its collective mouth.

Reactions ranged from the vicious puns:

to the snarky snark:

to the serious:

to the flat-out-f*ck-it KKK/Nazi tweets:

to my faves: the nostalgic old romantic movie feel.

Apologies about that last tweet, but honestly, it was either that one about the boner TRUMP got once he saw how much he was profiting off the wedding his minions held at his hotel.

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