Varney Whines: Coronavirus And Stock Selloff Is Upstaging Trump's Visit To India
February 24, 2020

Stuart Varney and Lou Dobbs were perturbed, not that the coronavirus is becoming a pandemic and killing innocent people all over the world, but that the resulting stock market selloff has taken the spotlight off of Donald Trump's visit to India.

It's the sick and twisted priorities on Fox Business: nothing else matters in the world than giving Donald Trump attention. The purpose of Varney & Co is to praise Trump enough so MAGA won't switch over to OANN because Fox doesn't slobber enough all over the Stable Genius.

Varney and Co. was joined by non-other than uber-Trump sycophant Lou Dobbs to discuss the early morning stock market sell-off and of course, it didn't take long for the adoration of Trump to take over their discussion.

Stuart Varney said, "This is the first time, Lou, I can remember in some time that President Trump has been knocked out of first place in the news cycle. He's had this remarkable reception in India but it's playing second fiddle to the stock market sell-off on the expansion of the virus. I've not seen that before," he opined.

How dare you coronavirus? Damn you to hell!!!!

But Dobbs replied that they are still talking about Trump even with the market sell-off and the virus.

Dobbs said, "Well, but you know we're talking about President Trump and Melania in India even as you were looking at what is a 2 and 3/4% sell-off in the S&P and the DOW, a little worse in the NASDAQ of course."
Dobbs was so happy that Trump "and Melania holding hands at the Taj Mahal."

For many Fox on-air personalities, there is never a bad time to praise and glorify the narcissistic imbecile, After all, Donald TIVO's their show to review it for sufficient worship, even when people are dying from a new virus that is spreading throughout the world and the Dow is falling as a result.

Watch the video via Fox Business:

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