Susan Collins Scores Highest Disapproval Rating Of Any Senator
Credit: Getty
January 17, 2020

You know things are bad, and likely to get worse for Susan Collins, the faux moderate/rubber stamp for Trump if she doesn't vote to impeach convict. And she won't, because that's just how she's rolled for the last quarter-century in the U.S. Senate. When they really need her vote, like with Bret Kavanaugh, she's right there, every time. And with 52% of Mainers now tired of her act (her Kavanaugh vote perhaps the final straw for many), and only 40% still with her (down from 67% before Trump), perhaps they'll finally rid themselves of her. Here's hoping.

Source: Bangor Daily News

AUGUSTA, Maine — A national survey released Thursday found U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine had the highest disapproval rating of any senator in 2019’s last quarter as she enters a campaign for a fifth term in which she is one of national Democrats’ top targets.

The Republican once polled as Maine’s most popular politician and won her 2014 race with more than two-thirds of votes, but her 2018 vote for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh kicked off a massive Democratic campaign against her and the news comes amid impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that will be high-stakes for Collins.
Collins’ approval rating has sunk sharply since Trump took office in the first quarter of 2017, when the Maine senator registered a 67 percent approval rating, according to Morning Consult. In the final quarter of 2019, the firm said her rating stood at 42 percent.

Her disapproval rating of 52 percent in Maine during that period was highest among senators. Collins overtook Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, the only senator who had a higher rating than her in 2019’s third quarter.


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