Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum asserted on Sunday that President Donald Trump's conspiracy theory about FISA abuses in the Obama administration will have a larger impact on the election than impeachment.
January 12, 2020

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum asserted on Sunday that President Donald Trump's conspiracy theory about FISA abuses in the Obama administration will have a larger impact on the election than impeachment.

"I think in the end, it's a loser for the Democrats," Santorum insisted on CNN's State of the Union program. "The way that Nancy Pelosi has handled this has been -- showed that it's overtly political."

"The point that was just made by [Mia Love] is accurate," he continued, "which is, this is all about hurting Donald Trump before the election. There was no chance that Donald Trump was going to be removed from president. It's clear that it's a purely political operation."

"And I think people will view it in that lens," Santorum said. "And I think by the time that the November election comes around, I think the issues with the FBI and what happened with FISA and what happened with the original [Russia] investigation are going to be a lot more important issue for the American public than impeachment."

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