January 17, 2020

[Above: Senator Pat Leahy says, "I was around to watch Ken Starr prosecute a president in the weakest impeachment case in history, and now he's back to defend a president in the strongest impeachment case in history. That's their choice. But it's a weird choice." ]

You cannot make this up.

CNN tells us…

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is adding three seasoned lawyers to his impeachment legal defense team, people familiar with the matter said, including Kenneth Starr, the hard-charging prosecutor whose work led to President Bill Clinton’s impeachment.

Alan Dershowitz, the constitutional lawyer, and Robert Ray, Starr’s successor at the Office of Independent Counsel during the Clinton administration, are also joining the team, the people said.

Comrade Stupid may end up in prison after all!

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

UPDATE: Even Monica Lewinsky weighs in:

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