We started in a typically quiet holiday week and we end the week on the edge of a regional war. There is nothing about the Trump Era that is normal or stable.
Stable Genius Liberal reminds us that of course the Republicans are willing to abuse national security for partisan politics: they've done it before.
Hackwhackers gives us the postmodern burning the village to save it.
Rubber Hose has a proposal to update the War Powers Act!
Bonus Track: The Godmother of Drums! World of Values gives us another example of why we should never judge a book by its cover.
That's a wrap for me for this week, but before I sign-off, I want to thank all the bloggars we've spent time with this week. We've expanded our understanding of our world thanks to their hard work. Cue the Carol Burnett exit music! (Ear pull)
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com (with For MBRU in the subject line).