It looks like Mike Pompeo isn't running for the Senate in Kansas, which leaves Kris Kobach as the leading Republican. Very bad news for Mitch McConnell.
McConnell Knows What's The Matter With Kansas (A Senate Seat)
Credit: @bluegal (Composite)
January 7, 2020

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo has told Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that he will not run for an open Senate seat from Kansas this fall.

“I’ll be busy urging Cadet Bone Spurs to bring-on the End of Days,” evangelical end-timer Pompeo didn’t say to amply be-chinned #MoscowMitch, “which I think is more important. Hail Satan!,” he did not conclude.

OK, that part aside this gives the side of angels (Democrats) a possible pick-up in the Senate as the likely Republican to win the primary is… KKKris KKKobach, who is popular with enough Republicans to win the nomination and is loathed by enough Kansans to lose. As you may recall KKKobach lost a statewide election (48% to 43%) to Dem. Gov. Laura Kelly. Kansas is R+13 CPVI, by the way, so losing by 5% is actually YUGE.

But before you get your hopes up, note that Pompeo has until June to throw his hat into the inferno, er, ring. And given how everything in the 4th Reich always ends poorly for everyone except Comrade Stupid, he could change his mind.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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