Investigators went to both Hyde’s home and the office of his landscaping company (which doubles as a campaign office).
FBI Pays Visit To Robert Hyde's Home And Office
Credit: Screen Shot
January 16, 2020

Robert Hyde, the Connecticut congressional candidate who repeatedly texted Lev Parnas that he had then-Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch under surveillance, got a visit from the FBI Thursday morning, CNN reports.

Investigators went to both Hyde’s home and the office of his landscaping company (which doubles as a campaign office).

In one of his texts, Hyde seemed to suggest that he could pay someone in Ukraine to harm Yovanovitch: “They are willing to help if we/you would like a price.” He has since denied that he was suggesting to harm her.

Hyde is a major Republican donor (even as he’s failed to pay child support) who has been pictured with Donald Trump repeatedly. He’s one of five Republicans running in the primary to challenge Rep. Jahana Hayes.

Published with permission of Daily Kos

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