Reporter Carl Bernstein shut Rick Santorum's ridiculous distractions off and gave Mitch McConnell a new handle all at the same time on Monday night.
In the panel discussion on CNN, Rick Santorum was doing his best to take the show off the rails with a distraction about whether Nancy Pelosi should have sent the articles over sooner, blah blah blah.
Carl Bernstein cut that right off.
"Let's look at the big picture. This is most important moment for the Republican Party since the censure of Joe McCarthy and the impeachment of Richard Nixon in which Republicans became great heroes and patriots," he said.
"Now we're looking at Midnight Mitch and the so-called world's greatest deliberative body really embracing a cover-up there for all to see," he continued. "That's what this is about -- preventing information from becoming known and seen by the American public."
He added, "Other impeachments, including Andrew Johnson, including Clinton, there has been no problem about knowing the truth of the facts. We still have a factual problem here because the president and those who work for him, and Mitch McConnell, have impeded the facts from the beginning."
Santorum sputtered and stuttered and tried to redirect the discussion after that, but Bernstein really shut it all down. And now Moscow Mitch will be known as Midnight Mitch. Or maybe Midnight Moscow Mitch?