December 9, 2019

Have you seen Trump's toilet interview yet?

"I think he spoke for us all when he talked about the single issue that is most pressing to our great republic at this time. Take a look," Joe Scarborough said on Morning Joe.

We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms, where you turn the faucet on in areas where there's tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it, and you don't get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don't get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out. it's dripping out very quietly, dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. They end up using more water. So EPA is looking into that very strongly at my suggestion. You go into a new building or a new house or a new home and they have standards, where you can't get water. You can't wash your hands, practically, so little water comes out of the faucet. And the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands. You end up using the same amount of water. We're looking very seriously at opening up the standard. There might be some areas where we'll go the other route. Desert areas. But for the most part, you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down -- it's called rain, that they don't know what to do with it. So we'll be opening up that, I believe.

Hilarity ensued.

"The czar of toilets soon to be appointed," Scarborough said. "You know, Jonathan Lamire, I always thought it was so romantic and we like to idealize our presidents. You know, Kennedy had Robert Frost read for him at the 1960 inauguration. and it really, I thought, it set the mood for Camelot. Here you have the president of the United States quoting Edgar Allen Poe in the middle of just a very pedestrian news conference at the White House. The water comes dripping out. It's dripping out very quietly, dripping out."

"I try to think of myself as I ask questions for a living. I never thought to ask the president how many times it takes him to flush the toilet. 10, 15 times," Jonathan Lamire said.

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