On Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace pressed the Vice President's Chief of Staff over Donald Trump's repeated false claims that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election, claims which have been classified as Russian misinformation.
When asked if Trump believes Ukraine hacked into the US election, Marc Short remarked that Trump feels we should at least investigate it. He then tried to blame Barack Obama and Joe Biden over Russia's hacking to change the subject.
Chris Wallace explained to his audience that it was Trump's phone call and hold on military assistance to Ukraine for political reasons which sparked the impeachment inquiry.
Short then tried to claim that we should investigate everybody over corruption, because why not?
As Short was again trying to misinform America, Wallace reminded him that every US intelligence agency said it was Russia who interfered in the elections, pointing out that a member of Trump's team Fiona Hill said the idea that Ukraine interfered was actually Kremlin disinformation.
When Chris Wallace told him it was reported that Putin told Trump about Ukraine, Short said he read that report but never heard about it and then he made another moronic claim. "Just because you're saying my house was robbed last night doesn't mean your house couldn't have been robbed last night," he argued.
So why isn't he asking to investigate France, Syria, England, and Venezuela, then?
Because of the Bidens, of course. It's all just BS meant to distract Fox viewers from the truth.