December 22, 2019

Freedom Caucus co-founder Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), professional orange ass-kisser, will not seek reelection, and may not even serve out his full term. He’s the 24th House Republican to announce his 2020 retirement, but no one thinks he’s doing it to spend more time with his family (who probably don’t want the old stinker hanging around the joint with time on his hands).

There’s three-fold betting going on: 1) He’s gonna run for Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) Senate seat in 2022 and B) The Mango-Hued Shitgibbon is going to tap him for a role in his 2020 Goat Rodeo Campaign or iii) We have a new acting Chief of Staff when Mick Mulvaney is finally cut, which should be soon (we are told).

Anyway, his district is reliably Republican so this seat is probably not going to flip to team blue.

Cross posted with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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