December 5, 2019

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”

― Carl Sandburg

Yep, that's Doug Collins. Watch him have a hissy fit instead of making an opening statement in the Judiciary committee's impeachment hearing.

Have I mentioned that Upright Doug, the ranking member, is a Baptist preacher, co-owner of a scrapbooking store with his wife, and, got his laughable law degree from a 3rd-tier, for-profit law school that's recently been on probation for accreditation violations? Not saying that everyone who goes to a crappy law school is a bad lawyer! (Michael Cohen went to a terrible law school, but still passed the New York bar.) It's that he so clearly didn't learn much. Collins is is a LawyerLite©, the product of a shoddy for-profit law school. Keep that in mind when he gives his "legal" opinion.

Jonathan Turley: Still a preening fool.
Matt Gaetz: Still an idiot.
Doug Collins: Still a crummy lawyer from a cut-rate law school.
Trump: Still guilty of impeachable crimes.

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