Stalker-in-Chief Trump Can't Deal With Nancy Pelosi Ignoring Him
Credit: DonkeyHotey
December 29, 2019

Donald Trump just can't get over his crush on Nancy Pelosi. He is so caught up in his feelings, that he is unable to play it cool. He tried for a while, but over the last week or two, he has crossed from unrequited love to straight up stalker.

Will Nancy Pelosi need to get a restraining order?

Donald Trump has tweeted 23 times about Nancy Pelosi in the last week. Not retweets. These are tweets where he directly tweets about her on his own. That is positively psychotic. And the majority are over the last 72 hours. And how many times has she responded to him? Zero. And that is driving him positively nuts.

She is living in his head, rent free.

Here are some of his tweets, starting on Christmas:

And this morning he woke up and saw that Nancy is still ignoring him, so he is quote tweeting himself and sending it to her again. My god, if this was a guy who had a crush on you, you would consider changing your number or getting a restraining order:

And like a typical stalker, when ignored, he lashes out.

Donald Trump, Stalker in Chief.

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