Without Trump’s last-minute visit for Matt Bevin, "this race would have been a 10 point race for the Democrat!"
November 6, 2019

In a way, you have to admire these adoring Trump sycophants on Fox News who spew their garbage promoting Dear Leader on a 24/7 basis. They're like Energy Bunnies who never tire of spewing their bullshit. So when Laura Ingraham breathlessly intoned that if not for Donald Trump's last-minute visit to Kentucky, Matt Bevin, soon-to-be-former Governor, "would have lost by 10 points or more!" it was just more of the same.

In fact, in the latest polling by a non-partisan pollster with a decent national reputation for accuracy, Mason Dixon, the race was tied, 46-46. Almost exactly the result last night.

And of the "deeply unpopular" Bevin, Republicans had rallied around Bevin in the lead-up to the election as they always do, his approval numbers a not so terrible +45/-48.

Really, in truth, it could be argued that Donald Trump cost Bevin this election, by spurring Democratic turnout, up over 40% from the 2015 election. A red state that Trump won by nearly 30 in 2016 wouldn't elect a Trump acolyte to be Governor. That's the message heard this morning in Washington, not the power of Trump. Trump is their millstone, not their savior.

Source: Mediaite

“We had Matt Bevin, who had about a 32% approval rating back in July, Trump comes into town, gets this thing tied up at 49-49,” Ingraham told viewers, adding that without Trump’s visit, “this race would have been a 10 point race for the Democrat.”

She acknowledged that the Democrats’ complete takeover in Virginia was “terrible” for Republicans, but argued that “in the state of Kentucky, we had a very unpopular governor,” but that “Trump comes in and he made this race as competitive as you can possibly make it.”

“That is the power of Donald Trump,” Ingraham declared, adding that “anyone thinking anything differently tonight isn’t being honest with the way they electoral map works, or what happened down-ballot.”


Mason Dixon Kentucky Poll

Apparently Matt Bevin still can't believe the election results last night. He didn't think it'd be close.

Adios, Matt Bevin.

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