Conway referred to Stefanik as "lying trash." Stefanik in return called Conway a "sick mysogynist [sic]."
George Conway Launches Tweet Wars With Rep. Elise Stefanik
November 18, 2019

An interesting dynamic has been percolating since the hearing with former ambassador Yovanovitch when a little known congresswoman from upstate New York tried to make a name for herself, with mixed results, to put it mildly. One of her fiercest critics has turned into George Conway, the high-powered Republican lawyer who regularly slams Trump on twitter and elsewhere.

Source: Law and Crime

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-New York, 21st District) criticized House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California, 28th District) because he stopped her from speaking at the impeachment hearings on Friday, but conservative attorney George Conway shut down her criticism. He said the rules would let her and other members of Congress speak later.

“You pulled a stunt to gaslight the public,” Conway wrote.

"You went to Harvard. You can read," Conway tweeted, derisively.

That was Friday.

Yesterday, Conway upped the ante by max contributing to her Democratic opponent, Tedra Cobb. He also referred to Stefanik as "lying trash." Conway also retweeted a photoshopped image of Stefanik that was not so flattering.


Considering her behaviour, the assumption that it was real was an easy enough mistake to make. The original tweet was later deleted.

In return, Stefanik tweeted this and several other tweets about the image. And sort of fitting that a Republican woman doesn't know how to spell misogynist.

And Conway responded this way.

And naturally this morning, this guy tweeted his support for Republicans' new attack dog (a new Republican Star!), no matter how nonsensical her attacks ended up being.

As always, pass the popcorn. This feud will not likely end soon. Oh, and don't forget to support Tedra Cobb in NY-21. She's raised $1 million since Friday, as the disgust with Stefanik and the type of politics she represents is registering in a big way.

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