October 6, 2019

For a group of people who are constantly proclaiming that Dear Leader did nothing wrong, they sure are working hard to keep what he did from ever seeing the light of day. Here's Trump booster Jeanine Pirro and Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton pushing Moscow Mitch to kill the possibility of an impeachment trial in the Senate:

A guest on Fox News has suggested that Mitch McConnell uses his "prerogative" as Senate Majority Leader to change the rules and prevent President Donald Trump from undergoing an impeachment trial.

Thomas Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a right-wing political activist group, told Fox News' Jeanine Pirro on Saturday that McConnell should implement what is known as the "nuclear option" if the House of Representatives votes to impeach Trump.

As noted by Raw Story, Senate rules state that a super majority—which the Republican party does not have—is needed in order to change laws regarding impeachment trials.

Fitton suggested that McConnell should simply ignore the rule which calls for 67 votes to pass any changes and simply state an impeachment trial is not going to happen.

"The Senate is going to have to try any impeachment," Fitton said. "And if I were the Senate Majority Leader, I'd tell the House, 'This is dead on arrival, we're changing the rules, we are going to kill it before it even gets out of the cradle. And we will not follow up with impeachment trial.'"

He added that the Senate is "not required to under the constitution" to impose the rules while suggesting the Democrats' actions amount to "corruption" against Trump.

"We're not going to buy into and play your game and ratify your abusive power by further harassing the president with an unnecessary impeachment trial," Fitton said. "They should throw the charges out like a judge would if the prosecution was corrupt."


When asked by Pirro why McConnell had come out and said this, Fitton replied: "Those are the current rules and I think American citizens should be asking Mitch McConnell to exercise his prerogative as majority leader...and change the rules. This is not a suicide pact, they can change the rules to protect the Constitution."

I can only imagine the shrieking and feigned outrage if the parties were reversed and Democrats were proposing to do something like this.

How many GOP senators will go along with #MoscowMitch if he takes Fitton's advice?

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