I've written a lot about Peter Schweizer and his Bob-and-Becca-funded "Government Accountability Institute" in the past, but Samantha Bee lays him out in under 8 minutes.
First, she disposes with the whole stupid conspiracy theory: "It's bullshit. Explainer over."
"So who the hell is Peter Schweizer, and how does he keep Schweizing us?" Bee wonders aloud. I asked the same question in 2016 when Steve Bannon and Schweizer teamed up to not only release a book full of ridiculous conspiracy theories but also convinced The New York Times to mainstream them.
Samantha Bee explains it brilliantly: Schweizer "devised a clever way to use the mainstream media against liberal politicians: Just gather a bunch of provocative but unrelated facts about a Democrat and pretend they point to a nefarious plot that's completely unsupported by those facts, then, instead of feeding them into the right-wing media fever swamp, feed them to respectable mainstream outlets that, in their desperate quest for balance, will investigate, promote, and legitimize the story, allowing it to spew all over the news ecosystem."
Yep, that's it in a nutshell.
Schweizer did it with Hillary Clinton in 2016, "and now the media are falling for the same scam all over again," Bee explained. "The good news is that this time his scheme backfired and it may lead to Trump's impeachment."
But there is bad news, too. Schweizer almost certainly has further plans for 2020, Bee says, like "a book suggesting that Elizabeth Warren owns a condo in North Korea" or something.
Watch the entire segment above. She nails it.