October 29, 2019

LANGUAGE, Young Lady!

Nah, I'm just kidding. I love it when normally composed and consummately professional journalists let it fly on live TV. Today Nicolle Wallace could not contain her revulsion at the smear campaign visited by the GOP upon Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a patriot the likes of whom no one in the GOP could even hope to emulate in ten lifetimes.

Wallace read out Lt. Col. Vindman's condensed biography, supremely impressive and representing "the beating heart of the quintessential American story." But because he is testifying in the impeachment probe against Trump, the GOP cannot help but launch into their reflexive lies and projection, accusing him of being a spy and disloyal. Wallace played a mash-up of three of the most recent disgusting clips from the Trump a$$-lickers.

KILMEADE: We also know he was born in the Soviet Union, emigrated with his family young. He tends to feel simpatico with the Ukraine.


DUFFY: It seems very clear that he is incredibly concerned about Ukrainian defense. I don't know that he's concerned about American policy, but his main mission was to make sure that the Ukraine got those weapons. I understand that, we all have an affinity to our homeland where we came from. Like me, I'm sure that Vindman has the same affinity.


INGRAHAM: Here we have a U.S. National security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House apparently against the president's interests and usually they spoke in English. Isn't that kind of an interesting angle on this story?

YOO: I find that astounding, and, you know, some people might call that espionage.

And then, Nicolle Wallace let loose.

WALLACE: Except those people aren't chickenshit like the three of you, and they know he passed a background check that the president's daughter and son-in-law didn't.

DONNY DEUTSCH Did you just say what I think you said?

WALLACE: I don't know.

Over literal applause from someone on the panel (couldn't see who...) she simply waltzed into her introduction of her next guest, former Ambassador Nick Burns. But the rest of us? We're still enjoying the rare glimpse into the unfettered, unbothered Nicolle telling the world what she thinks of the people on the right attempting to drag the finest of Americans down into the slime.

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