They are looking at reports that at least two entities booked a large quantity of rooms but only used a fraction of them.
October 2, 2019

The House Oversight committee is looking into whether Trump broke the law by accepting money at his properties. Well, this certainly stinks to high heaven: There are allegations that at least one foreign government and other groups sucked up to Trump by booking blocks of rooms at his hotels -- without actually staying in them.

I guess something else came up at the last minute, right? Via Politico:

“Now we’re looking at near raw bribery,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), a House Oversight Committee member who chairs the subcommittee with jurisdiction over Trump’s hotel in Washington. “That was the risk from day one — foreign governments and others trying to seek favor because we know Trump pays attention to this.... It’s an obvious attempt to curry favor with him.”

The investigation began after the committee received information that two entities — a trade association and a foreign government — booked a large quantity of rooms but only used a fraction of them, according to a person familiar with the allegation who isn't authorized to speak for the committee.

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