October 30, 2019

When you're Fox And Friends, you can't just say what a horrible day it was for Donald Trump. So you talk about the whistleblower like it's a bad thing.

But even this is going way beyond nonsense.

The Republicans in the House who have access to the impeachment inquiry are whipping up distractions (FOR Fox News consumption, same as ever). The latest one is that Intel Chairman Adam Schiff is somehow coaching witnesses and denying access to question time in order to cover up the identity of the whistleblower.

You're damn right he is.

It is ILLEGAL to expose a whistleblower's identity. They all know that. But then you get these shenanigans...

...because if you don't then Donald Trump's GUILT is all there is to see.

And then you get "help" from Ainsley Earhardt and her colleagues from Mensa, suggesting that "maybe Alexander Vennman is the whistleblower, and he doesn't know it."

Donald Trump is the whistleblower, Ainsley.

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