October 22, 2019

Really, the question I'm asking is, "What took him so long?"

President Snowflake finally went there, placing his foot on the third rail of racial rhetoric, and compared his own self-constructed implosion to...wait for it...a lynching.

On Hallie Jackson's show, Hans Nichols called the called it "that ugly comparison." Honey, "ugly" doesn't begin to describe it. Let's try more accurate words, like "unhinged," "violent," "triggering," or "traumatizing" towards the entire Black population in this country. But it's fine. Nichols is gonna just maybe "ask him what he meant by that word" if they have the chance at some point today. (Spoiler: He meant what he said.)

While Jackson said Democrats are "outraged," they've used words like "inappropriate" to describe the comparison. Okay, again, people, calling something "inappropriate" doesn't really sound like you're outraged to me. I feel like Andre the Giant Inigo Montoya in "The Princess Bride," here — "I don't think that word means what you think it means." Now Kamala Harris? SHE knows how to express the outrage.


And I have checked. Care to guess which is the only other presidential candidate who has tweeted a response to this despicable comparison? Just one. Julián Castro.

Not Biden, Warren, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Yang, Klobuchar, or Sanders. Just a little sidebar, for those of you keeping track of which candidates are prioritizing the emotional welfare of Black folks in this country.

Back on Capitol Hill, we have our resident presidential lickspittle, Senator Lindsey Graham, who is (based on the moment in time) either for impeachment or against, stands by his man on this one.

GRAHAM: It is necessary to empower the Republican minority in the House to confront accusations against the president, a vote of inquiry allows the president to confront his accuser and to call witnesses on his behalf. Until that is done, this is a joke, this is a sham and this is a political lynching.

I don't know who's gonna tell him, but lynching? It's no joke. Unless you're a white man from South Carolina.

(Note: Video above is a combination of two clips in the same segment)


Here are the responses of Dem 2020 candidates since the publishing of this post:

OF NOTE: As of this update, at 7:50 p.m. EST, neither Andrew Yang nor Tulsi Gabbard have condemned Trump's lynching remarks on Twitter.


*** This article has been corrected to give the correct attribution for the quote from The Princess Bride. We regret the error.

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