It's a "long-form" edition. But before you start, a relaxed dog & two kittens, 'cause you'll need to lower your blood pressure.
Stab from the past: History of The Pink Lady, from the New York Crank. No, it isn't cocktail recipes, it's NIXON!!!
Joe Biden Swiftboated! See the story at Just Security!
Same stuff, different day: "The Right’s Attack on Greta Thunberg is a Tired Exercise — but Serves Its Purpose", from Right Wing Watch.
The Mahablog has the perfect description for the current situation. “Stupid Watergate”. Salient example: "But it gets better. The White House worked up talking points to be used to defend Trump and then, by mistake, emailed them to Democrats in Congress, one of whom gleefully made the points public."
By M. Bouffant. Suggestions to mbru(at)crooksandliars(dot)com.