September 4, 2019

Lemme try to whip up a few tears of sympathy for Rep. Dan Crenshaw. He has a big sadz and madz that he might not be able to share his toys with his widdle fwends. Completely unconcerned with the fact that those "toys" are military-grade assault weapons that can murder dozens of innocent people in under a minute, which happens with increasing frequency because something something freedom, Crenshaw is sooper-dooper pissed about potential limitations.

After the Odessa/Midland shootings last weekend, more lawmakers seem open to closing the gun show/private sale and transfer loophole, in which gun owners can sell or give their guns to others without the recipient having to undergo a background check first. This is apparently how the shooter in Texas acquired the rifle he used. So Crenshaw stomped his feet over to Twitter to have his tantrum. His little outburst was met with the reaction it deserved.

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