September 29, 2019

CNN's Jake Tapper did actually call out the gaslighting Trump booster Jim Jordan for his lies and his blatant hypocrisy when it comes to the children of those in power using their political connections to make money, but it was way too little and way too late, and the words "Ohio State" and "sexual abuse" never left Tapper's lips.

A competent reporter could have shredded Jordan, but instead all we saw was some very mild push back to the barrage of lies Jordan was allowed to spew during this very lengthy interview on CNN's State of the Union this Sunday.

Here's more from AlterNet on the fact that Tapper did at least expose Jordan's hypocrisy when it comes to his concerns over Biden's son and lack of concern over the Trumps doing the same:

CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday cornered Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) over Donald Trump’s wild accusations about Joe Biden’s son, noting that the president’s own children are engaging in foreign business “all over the world” as their father sits in the Oval Office.

Jordan and Tapper were discussing the impeachment inquiry into Trump when Jordan launched a barrage of allegations about Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. The Republican congressman also accused Tapper of engaging in “mental gymnastics” to protect Biden.

“Sir, it’s not gymnastics, it’s facts,” Tapper replied. “And I would think somebody who’s been accused of things in the last year or two would be more sensitive about throwing out wild allegations against people.” (In July, Jordan was named in a lawsuit on behalf of former Ohio State University athletes who claimed the former assistant wrestling coach failed to prevent sexual abuse carried out by a university doctor).


“The president’s daughter right now is having all sorts of copyrights granted in foreign countries,” Tapper said. “That doesn’t alarm you? The president’s sons are doing all sorts of business all over the world. That doesn’t alarm you?”

“Come on,” Jordan replied dismissively.

“Either there’s a principle that people should not benefit from foreign actions or there isn’t,” Tapper said.

Jordan then started on a wild rant alleging former President Barack Obama “went after [Trump] on July 31st,” and brought up the infamous dossier alleging ties between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“ I understand you want to change the subject, but the president was pushing the president of Ukraine to investigate a political rival,” Tapper explained. “I cannot believe that that is okay with you. I can’t believe it’s okay with you. If this is a principle —“

“It’s not okay, but he didn’t do that,” Jordan claimed.

“It’s in the transcript, we all read it,” Tapper reminded him.

“I read the transcript,” Jordan said before accusing Tapper of not reading “things in context.”

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