Sean Hannity’s propaganda didn’t just poison viewers’ minds against the Mueller investigation into Russia's interference in our 2016 election, it provoked Trump Toady William Barr into investigating the investigators.
Trump Campaign Gives Props To Sean Hannity For DOJ Investigation Into Russia Probe
August 29, 2019

If the Trump campaign is to be believed, Sean Hannity’s propaganda didn’t just poison viewers’ minds against the Mueller investigation into Russia's interference in our 2016 election, it provoked Trump Toady William Barr into investigating the investigators.

Hannity has gone to such extraordinary lengths to demonize and delegitimize investigations into Trump’s very damning behavior toward Russia, you have to wonder what he’s so afraid of. Among other efforts, Hannity suppressed a scoop about the Trump Tower meeting between the Trump campaign and Putin-associated Russians; college drop-out Hannity claimed to know more about the law than special prosecutor and former FBI Director Robert Mueller; and Hannity repeatedly smeared murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich to get Russia off the hook for providing WikiLeaks with hacked DNC emails.

No sooner had Hannity falsely declared the Mueller report vindicated Trump, with an assist from Attorney General William Barr, than Hannity began demanding legal retribution against the investigators. Lo and behold, the Department of Justice, led by Barr, began the investigations Trump’s Bedtime BFF called for.

Media Matters explains:

Barr helmed a pro-Trump disinformation campaign designed to cushion the impact of special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report. He launched an investigation into the early days of the probe that eventually led to Mueller’s appointment, suggesting it was a witch hunt targeting Trump even as he was unable to offer evidence of any actual investigative irregularities.


On the night of Barr’s confirmation, Hannity used his Fox show to urge him to conduct criminal investigations into officials tied to the Russia probe. And after Mueller completed his probe in March, Fox News commentators pivoted to demanding an investigation of the investigators -- one that they said should include former President Barack Obama himself.

Today, Trump campaign press secretary Kayleigh McEnany visited Hannity’s radio show. After Hannity railed against “the media mob” supposedly working against Trump’s re-election, McEnany argued that Hannity’s work is a great help. She said, “The work that you do every night, Sean, is going to go a long way. It already has. We now have the Justice Department looking into the misdeeds of the Obama administration.”

Then she hinted at more Hannity/Trump administration propaganda teamwork to come: “And, look, if Joe Biden’s the nominee, the Democrats really have a huge albatross around their neck because he was right there in the center of all the wrongdoing we saw happen there,” McEnany added.

Earlier today, Trump complained that Fox News “isn’t working for us anymore.” His own campaign press secretary just proved that was one more Trump lie.

Listen to McEnany credit Hannity below, from the August 28, 2019 The Sean Hannity Show, via Media Matters.

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