CNN's Jake Tapper took the White House and the Texas and Ohio Republicans to task who refused to make an appearance on his network to discuss the mass shootings that took place over the weekend.
August 4, 2019

During the opening of this Sunday's State of the Union, CNN's Jake Tapper took the Republicans to task who refused invitations to appear on his show to discuss the mass shootings that took place over the weekend in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

TAPPER: This morning, lawmakers and presidential candidates already are beginning to call for change. We're going to talk with at least four presidential candidates today about what they would do to stop this epidemic of mass shootings and shootings.

We should note that we invited the Republican Governor, Lieutenant Governor and both Republican U.S. Senators representing Texas to join us this morning. They all declined.

The Republican Governor of Ohio also declined. We also asked the White House to provide someone to discuss these shootings. That request too was declined.

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