Donald Caught In Another Lie: FLOTUS Has Never Met Kim Jong Un
Melania Trump at the G7Credit: Getty Images
August 27, 2019

It is increasingly clear that Donald Trump just spews whatever he has in his addled brain at any time, whether it be his personal fantasies, faded memories, or outright lies and delusions. During his press conference on Tuesday, Trump was discussing Iran when he hailed back to his love affair with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Mentioning that he thought Iran was a country with "enormous potential" just like North Korea, he said, "Kim Jong Un, who I've gotten to know extremely well, the first lady has gotten to know Kim Jong Un and I think she would agree with me, he is a man with a country that has tremendous potential.”

Only there's a bit of a problem. Can you guess what it is? Yes, that's right. Melania Trump has never met the little North Korean dictator, much less agreed with 45 about him.

Out comes Stephanie Grisham with the mop and disinfectant.

“President Trump confides in his wife on many issues including the detailed elements of his strong relationship with Chairman Kim,” Grisham wrote in a statement. “And while the First Lady hasn’t met him, the President feels like she’s gotten to know him too.”

Oh. Of course.

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