August 14, 2019

It's getting to the point that Trump lies so much, not only during his rallies, but when he gives planned "presidential" speeches to industry workers, that he is leaving many people almost speechless.

George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, been one of the more outspoken Republican critics of Trump. Yesterday, instead of psychological analysis of the narcissist in chief, he retweeted CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale's Twitter coverage and simply used the word 'wut.'

Ed Mazza writes, "At one point, as he has done some 75 times before according to the Toronto Star, Trump took credit for signing the Veterans Choice health care program into law. It was actually signed by President Barack Obama in 2014."

There's a difference between a lie and a gaffe. When it comes to a Joe Biden gaffe, at least Biden can admit when he's made a mistake. Trump not only refuses to correct himself, he doubles, and triples, and quadruples down on the same lie over and over again.

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