In a fiery exchange on AM Joy on Saturday morning, Jimmy Williams didn't pull any punches when it came to dragging Donald Trump for his attacks on the LGBTQ community. This comes on the heels of a shocking announcement that the most conservative LGBT organization has decided to endorse Donald Trump for the 2020 election. Why? WHY?
MOHYELDIN: Let me read a little bit of this Washington Post op-ed where they talk about the economic impact that has been had on the community by this President. The administration's aggressive negotiations on trade deals have preserved LGBTQ jobs. His hard line on foreign policy has protected LGBTQ lives. What benefits all Americans benefits the LGBTQ community as we cross every racial, socioeconomic, religious and cultural divide. They also say the president's tax cuts have helped put and keep food on the table for LGBTQ families. Do you disagree with that?
WILLIAMS: Let me talk about that. Let me talk about that. I appreciate the President cut my taxes. And I appreciate that when I was a Senate staffer for almost seven years, I passed a lot of those same trade bills that made goods coming into America a lot cheaper for Americans. None of that matters to me if I don't have a job because I've been fired. I cannot pay taxes if I don't have a job. I cannot pay less taxes or because I live in a state where it's okay to fire me for being gay. And it is in South Carolina. I cannot afford cheap underwear or a nice tv in South Carolina if I don't have a job to pay for those things. I don't want to hear about the tax cut helping gays, I don't want to hear about trade bills affecting and helping gays. I want to know why I can be fired in my state for being gay and the guy opposite me, Charles, thinks it's something we don't need to worry about. It's, what's the big deal? It's a big deal if you get fired from your job.
This is an interview you need to watch. Donald Trump is a racist, homophobic, hateful man who is using his position to run our country into the ground, both on the domestic and international stage. He is packing the courts (with the help of Mitch "Grim Reaper" McConnell) with homophobic, racist, conservative judges - some of which who do not support Brown v Board of Education - for lifetime appointments. The fact that an organization that represents a marginalized group, such as LGBTQ, would support Donald Trump is shocking. But I guess there were also Jews who supported Hitler, so this isn't unprecedented.