Trump Admits NRA Is Involved In Gun Regulation Talks
Credit: Getty Images: Saul Loeb
August 9, 2019

As the country mourns the many deaths from the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Trump has admitted to using the embattled and dysfunctional National Rifle Association as a liaison into all discussions revolving around gun regulations.

How's that working out for you, America?

When the term 'common sense" is used by Trump and NRA supporters to discuss gun control, that means nothing will be done to curb the sales of semi-automatic assault weapons.

The NRA's old talking point about video games promoted by Fox News as news of the shootings emergedhas already taken hold at Walmart, who just announced they are removing displays of violent video games out of stores, but still are selling firearms and ammunition.

Wow, that sure is a bold move that surely will save lives, right? A-holes.

Lindsey Graham's a Red Flag bill will most likely receive most of the attention and there's a chance that universal background checks will be considered, but as far as taking machine guns off the streets?

Don't hold your breath. Trump all but admitted he will not do anything that is not approved by the NRA.

New polling out from Politico/Morning Consult shows that all of America including Republicans and independents want to curb the sales of assault weapons.

Republicans typically are more reticent to support new gun restrictions, and Trump campaigned in 2016 on his strong support for the Second Amendment. But the poll found that 55 percent of GOP voters were comfortable with banning assault weapons, and 54 percent said they would support stricter gun laws more generally. Ninety percent said they would back universal background checks for gun sales.
Only 23 percent of all voters oppose an assault weapons ban, the poll found.

But the idea of outlawing high magazine semi-automatic machine guns that causes maximum damage in a blink of an eye is a no-go as far as the NRA is concerned.

I doubt that will be seriously addressed in these talks.

Easy access to assault weapons is on the ballot in 2020. Vote accordingly.

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