Stephen Sondheim told the man who makes the age of Trump a little more bearable that his lyrics were as good as anyone writing today.
August 20, 2019

CNN's John Berman interviewed the fabulous Randy Rainbow about his Emmy-nominated YouTube series and what it's like being a singular sensation. Here's some more:

Singer-songwriter-satirist Randy Rainbow — yes, that's his real name — has built a fervent YouTube fan base by churning out parody videos on politics and current events, from the "Grease"-themed "GOP Dropout" as the field of Republican presidential candidates narrowed in 2016, to the "Sound of Music" spoof "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Korea?"

He's known for his biting lyrics, and his glitz — sequined pink glasses, glittering jackets, props. But it might come as a surprise that the place where the internet magic is made isn't a high-tech studio, but rather the second bedroom in his Queens, New York, apartment, with a desk, green screen, microphone and his cat.

"What did you expect," he asks with irony. "I'm just a boy with a dream from Queens.

"Just a queen from Queens."

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