Tucker Carlson's claim that white supremacy is a hoax but Pizzagate and the Seth Rich conspiracy theories are perfectly credible is fodder for ridicule.
August 14, 2019

Comedian and Real Time host Bill Maher took on Tucker Carlson’s claim that white supremacy is a hoax with exactly what it deserved: public ridicule at Carlson’s expense. Maher also got in a jab at Lou Dobbs.

At 3:53 in his monologue, below, Maher said that the El Paso shooter “took to be true” all the things that Donald Trump says, such as Mexicans are “invading” the U.S.

MAHER: But in his manifesto, he wanted everybody to know that he wasn’t getting this from Donald Trump. No, no, no, he was getting it from Lou Dobbs, same as Trump.

But it’s scary the way some of this stuff is going so mainstream. Tucker Carlson of Fox News says white nationalism is a hoax. You gotta love Republicans. Global warming is a hoax. Russia, that was a hoax. White nationalism is a hoax. Hillary Clinton runs a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor? Completely true. That one we know is true.

And Tucker’s evidence that white nationalism is a hoax? He says it’s because he never met one. Oh, come on, Tucker, yes you have.

We saw a screen shot of Carlson and Trump.

Maher is at his best throughout the monologue. Watch it below and have some laughs on Carlson, Dobbs, Trump and more.

Published with permission of Newshounds.us

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