August 20, 2019

On Monday, during CNN's Anderson Cooper's regular segment called Ridiculist, he made fun of the sycophantic Jeanine Pirro and her lavish support of Donald Trump.

Trump attacked Fox News over their negative polls while praising his loyalists at the network. Trump actually used the term "we" in discussing Fox News, leaving Cooper to remark, "He thinks they all work for him. That they're all just part of the party. He just starts riffing names at Fox...."

He continued, "We've got Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Timmy, PJ, don't forget Squi. Tremendous respect from Squi," he said in a bad Trump/Kavanaugh imitation.

"And there's Judge Jeanine Pirro."

CNN played a clip of one of Pirro's bombastic defenses of Trump during the Mueller investigations.

Pirro said, "As someone who's run for office five times, if the Devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent, I'd be on the first trolley to hell to get it."

(Cooper starts laughing and takes out his earpiece.)

She continued, "And anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar."

"Has she stopped," Cooper asked his producer.

Cooper said, "I don't know why everyone is yelling. The first trolley to hell!," he said.

"That should be the name of her show. Judge Jeanine Pirro 'First Trolley to Hell.'

He pulled a phantom cord and made a train whistle sound. (toot-toot)

Cooper continued, "Like after every interview that goes well (toots horn - toot-toot)

"Coming up, next stop, voter fraud," he mocked.

Here's the full video:

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