August 31, 2019

Gee, if only there were any good guys with guns around to stop the violence. Wait. There were. Three police officers were shot, among 21 injured and five people dead in yet another weekend of slaughter in these great United States of The Second Amendment. Where? I'll give you three guesses. Here is a hint:

Yes, boys, and girls. The state where access to guns just CAN'T be too easy.

I hope everyone is reading anger and cynicism rather than humor or lightheartedness in my writing, here. Because when? When will it end?

Here are the numbers:

According to the Washington Post, Odessa's mayor had this to say:

There are a lot of people hurt and a lot of people scared,” Odessa Mayor David Turner said in a brief interview as he drove back to the city from Fort Worth. “In a situation like this, prayer is the most important thing. We’ll get through this.”

Got it. Prayer is the most important thing. Not gun control. Not outrage. Not voting Republicans out of office. PRAYER.

Let's PRAY with our votes, people.

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