July 25, 2019

Donald Trump did NOT have a good day on Wednesday, so he yelled at the White House press corps.

His first public comments after Robert Mueller testified, reporters at the White House asked Donald Trump about the hearings, and Donald became furious.

Robert Mueller said that it's possible to indict a sitting president, but that a president can be charged after he leaves office. Trump's reaction was to blow up at reporters and call them fake news.

He singled out a reporter and then lied about what Mueller said about the particular instance saying, "And you still ask the question. You know why? Because you’re fake news, you’re one of the worst.”

He continued to lash out multiple times confusing Mueller's responses to different questions.

“Again, you’re fake news and you’re right at the top of the list also. Let me just tell you, go back to what — it is not what he said. Read his correction.” Trump said to another reporter.

"That is why people don’t deal with you, because you’re not an honest reporter.”

Conner Manion writes:

"PBS correspondent Yamiche Alcindor and Playboy magazine White House reporter Brian Karem said on Twitter they were singled out by the president.

Alcindor was asking Trump about Mueller testifying that he found the president’s written answers “generally” untruthful. Trump instead rejected the premise of the question and called Alcindor “untruthful.”

“You’re untruthful when you ask that question. When you ask that question, you’re untruthful. And you know who else is untruthful? You know who else is untruthful? His aides,” Trump said.

Never before has a US president held court and lied about a televised congressional hearing, let alone single out for attack reporters for asking relevant questions.

The man is unhinged.

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