July 25, 2019

Despite what the media is telling us, yesterday's Mueller hearings had a powerful impact. And here's just one:

How many moments like this are happening all over America today?

Media critic Eric Boehlert knows that the media isn't up to the job, writing:

What has the media learned from their disastrous coverage of the 2016 election? Not much, unfortunately.

How many headlines or major coverage are we seeing this morning on this -- which is kind of a big deal?

Or this, which we should all be screaming about? This is a flashing red light:

If you watched the hearing, you heard the insinuations that Mueller's team was packed with Democratic partisans -- but you didn't hear many reporters talking about this:

Instead, they're talking about Mueller's inability to dominate the screen with his acting abilities!

Don't be discouraged. They're wrong.

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