We'll start with this surprising thread from Paul Krugman:
Well, I found last night's debate bitterly disappointing. I had hoped that Warren would use the occasion to start climbing out of the hole she's stumbled into on health care. Instead she dug it deeper 1/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) July 31, 2019
Mayor Pete Buttigieg to GOP lawmakers: "When the sun sets on your career...of all the good and bad things you did in your life, the thing you will be remembered for is whether in this moment, with this president, you found the courage to stand up to him." #DemDebate pic.twitter.com/cjZm3W9RXp
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) July 31, 2019
Trump Jr just tweeted support for Marianne Williamson and she has not ruled out a third party run if she doesn't qualify for the next debate.
Now why do you suppose that is?— Bob Morris (@polizeros) July 31, 2019
Sanders & Warren Fight "Republican Talking Point" That Medicare for All Is About Reducing Coverage https://t.co/Y7f403MyEL pic.twitter.com/34MyOkPdGT
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) July 31, 2019
Sen. Bernie Sanders: "Trump is a pathological liar. I tell the truth." #DemDebate #DemocraticDebate pic.twitter.com/GjtddMAaEN
— The Hill (@thehill) July 31, 2019
Watch Elizabeth Warren stand up to Chris Matthews as he looms over her and interrupts her constantly.
She’s got a spine of steel. Mathews should be ashamed. pic.twitter.com/P8P8ER8mkO— Sean Kent (@seankent) July 31, 2019
#NoFirstUse is exactly the kind of ambitious and far-reaching policy agenda we need to defuse nuclear flashpoints around the planet and begin to unravel the undemocratic and absolute power every American president holds to unilaterally start a nuclear war. https://t.co/tWY9tLp7Fo
— Derek Johnson (@derekjGZ) July 31, 2019
25 debates in 2016 & 3 in 2020 and still not a single question about attack on voting rights
If we don’t fix our democracy we won’t fix our politics— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) July 31, 2019
"Everyone working for CNN should resign." - @ddayen. https://t.co/urDUozjhjS
— American Prospect (@theprospect) July 31, 2019
Bernie and Warren team up to own John Delaney into the ground: https://t.co/OECMOtSWXf pic.twitter.com/eFX55aQcjk
— Splinter (@splinter_news) July 31, 2019
related: “more moderate issue positioning” also more accurately reflects what a president can actually deliver from a divided political system https://t.co/FQlMoGN3VR
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) July 31, 2019
Great to see @ewarren and @BernieSanders forcefully making the case for bold action to make sure this country works for everyone, not just the privileged few. Let’s get out of the defensive crouch and fight for what America can and should be!
— Jeff Merkley (@JeffMerkley) July 31, 2019
The impact of Bernie Sanders on the Democratic Party is hard to overstate. The entire first portion of the debate — 20 minutes and counting — is being spent over his health care policy.
— Matt Viser (@mviser) July 31, 2019
All right, I should turn in. I leave you with this:
Supreme Court mentions: 0
Circuit court: 0
Police brutality: 0
Children in cages: 1 (@ewarren)
But it's cool, @CNN. I'm glad John Delaney got a chance to prep Warren and Sanders for running against Jeb Bush.#DemocraticDebate— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) July 31, 2019
The media is focused on the details of the Medicare for All debate bc there are details.
What’s the republican plan again?— Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) July 31, 2019
Modest proposal after watching last night debate on video.
Let cable networks carry the debates, but do not let them host.
Incentives all wrong.
Questioning should be done by people who can listen to answers— David Frum (@davidfrum) July 31, 2019
Last night's debate revealed the real bias in the media which is the assumption that the status quo is "moderate" and anyone that proposes structural changes is "radical"
In my view, letting people die because they can't afford insulin is more extreme than proposing a new policy— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) July 31, 2019
CNN is getting bad marks all around for framing of last night’s debate questions and the terrible format, including not allowing candidates to finish answers.
If they change course tonight, it’s unfair to last night's candidates. If they don’t, it’s another bad debate.— Michelangelo Signorile (@MSignorile) July 31, 2019
Kid reporter @jaden_reports shares his thoughts on how Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, John Delaney, and "odd one out" Marianne Williamson performed at last night's debate pic.twitter.com/h8w7sipg6o
— AM2DM by BuzzFeed News (@AM2DM) July 31, 2019
Last night's debate made clear that Warren and Sanders are joined at the hip for Medicare for All, protectionism and decriminalizing the border. I've got to think a majority of Democrats would prefer a Clinton-Obama type liberal--either Biden or a Biden replacement if he falters.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) July 31, 2019
I was working while at the beach yesterday and then had a seafood dinner at Bonefish Grill before coming home to not watch the Mayo debate. From what I gather Liz and Bernie showed they would get stomped by a liar who doesn’t give a shit about policy.. or someone more prepared. pic.twitter.com/zlUvUa6Hgo
— Kurt Nice (@KurtNiceHHL) July 31, 2019
My two observations from last night's debate:
1) Dana Bash believed that MI's auto workers would be opposed to building electric vehicles.
2) NatSec Twitter did not consider a question abt climate crisis a NatSec question.
Both quite telling.— emptywheel (@emptywheel) July 31, 2019
That's it for now. Remember, we have to go through this all over again tonight!